

米国 アルコール・インターロック技術規格


Model specifications for breath
alcohol ignition interlock devices
1992Ver 57 FR 11772
2013Ver 78 FR 26849







アラバマ Alabama 1 Alabama 2
アラスカ Alaska
アーカンソー Arkansas
カリフォルニア California 1 California 2
コロラド Colorado 1 Colorado 2
デラウェア Delaware 1 Delaware 2
フロリダ Florida 1 Florida 2 Florida 3
ジョージア Georgia 1 Georgia 2
ハワイ Hawaii 1 Hawaii 2
アイダホ Idaho 1 Idaho 2
イリノイ Illinois
インディアナ Indiana 1 Indiana 2
アイオワ Iowa
カンザス Kansas
ケンタッキー Kentucky 1 Kentucky 2
ルイジアナ Louisiana 1 Louisiana 2
メーン Maine 1 Maine 2
メリーランド Maryland 1 Maryland 2 Maryland 3
マサチューセッツ Massachusetts 1 Massachusetts 2
ミシガン Michigan 1 Michigan 2
ミネソタ Minnesota 1 Minnesota 2 Minnesota 3
ミシシッピ Mississippi 1 Mississippi 2
ミズーリ Missouri 1 Missouri 2
モンタナ Montana 1 Montana 2
ネブラスカ Nebraska 1 Nebraska 2
ネバダ Nevada 1 Nevada 2
ニューハンプシャー New Hampshire 1 New Hampshire 2
ニュージャージー New Jersey 1 New Jersey 2
ニューメキシコ New Mexico
ニューヨーク New York 1 New York 2
ノースカロライナ North Carolina
ノースダコタ North Dakota
オハイオ Ohio
オクラホマ Oklahoma 1 Oklahoma 2
オレゴン Oregon 1 Oregon 2
ペンシルバニア Pennsylvania 1 Pennsylvania 2
ロードアイランド Rhode Island 1 Rhode Island 2
サウスカロライナ South Carolina 1 South Carolina 2
サウスダコタ South Dakota
テネシー Tennessee 1 Tennessee 2
テキサス Texas 1 Texas 2
ユタ Utah
バーモント Vermont 1 Vermont 2
バージニア Virginia 1 Virginia 2
ワシントン Washington 1 Washington 2 Washington 3 Washington 4
ウェストバージニア West Virginia 1 West Virginia 2
ウィスコンシン Wisconsin 1 West Virginia 2
ワイオミング Wyoming 1 Wyoming 2
ワシントンDC District of Columbia(Washington,D.C.)



  • 【運転免許取得希望者へのリーフレット】


  • 【アルコール・インターロック限定運転免許証】









道路交通安全 国家戦略2011-2020

There was some strengthening of drink driving measures over the decade, including adoption of tougher sanctions and the introduction of alcohol interlock programs for repeat or high-range offenders. However, while drink driving behaviour has been contained to a small proportion of the driver (and rider) population, it continues to be a major cause of serious road trauma — and there is evidence that a substantial proportion of drink drivers have serious alcohol abuse problems. In recent years there has been increasing focus on interventions targeting this ‘hard core’ minority of offenders.

New options based on advances in computing and sensor technologies have paved the way for new primary safety systems such as lane departure warning devices, collision avoidance warning and other advanced braking and driver management systems. There are also a number of vehicle safety technologies currently available or under development with the potential to target illegal driving behaviours, including Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), alcohol interlocks, and seatbelt reminders and interlocks.

Alcohol interlocks
A substantial proportion of drink drivers — particularly recidivist offenders — are not responsive to mainstream deterrence measures due to serious alcohol abuse and broader social problems. Alcohol interlock programs have had some success in changing the behaviour of serious offenders. There is scope to extend the application of alcohol interlocks to cover a wider segment of the driver population, initially focusing on offenders and other higher-risk groups such as novice drivers. The majority of the community ride or drive responsibly, but may lapse occasionally. If the community supported the widespread implementation of alcohol interlocks, then in the next ten years drink driving could almost be eliminated. Some countries are creating initial markets to support the eventual widespread uptake of alcohol interlocks through fleets, in buses,taxis and trucks as a quality assurance action by responsible companies and employees.

36. In relation to alcohol interlocks:
a. Extend the application of alcohol interlocks to cover a wider segment of drink driving offenders. b. Undertake research on options to extend alcohol interlock applications to other high-risk road user groups and potentially to the broader driver population. c. Encourage voluntary use of alcohol interlocks by corporate fleets and other drivers. d. Investigate the option of requiring demonstrated rehabilitation from alcohol-dependence before removal of interlock conditions.

オーストラリア アルコール・インターロック関連情報







CENELECでのアルコール・インターロック 欧州規格

EN-50436 Alcohol interlocks - Test methods and performance requirements
規格 Ver 内容
EN 50436 Part1
Instruments for drink-driving-offender programs
EN 50436 Part2
Instruments having a mouthpiece and measuring breath alcohol for general preventive use
EN 50436 Part3
Guidance for authorities, decision makers, purchasers and users
prEN 50436 Part4
Connection and digital interface between the alcohol interlock and the vehicle
prEN 50436 Part5 マウスピースや二酸化炭素補正を用いない、予防的な使用向けアルコール・インターロック装置
Instruments measuring breath alcohol for general preventive use, not having a mouthpiece and compensating by carbon dioxide measurement
prEN 50436 Part6
Data security
prEN 50436 Part72016 Installation document

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardizationのことである。

EU countries

  • 9カ国(Finland,Sweden,Denmark,
  • 実績、約1万台くらいか



Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Poland Sweden
concept1 Offender program Offender program Offender program Offender program Offender program Offender program Offender program
concept2 Alcohol interlock combined with rehabilitation Alcohol interlock combined with rehabilitation Alcohol interlock combined with rehabilitation Alcohol interlock combined with rehabilitation Alcohol interlock as an alternative to suspension Alcohol interlock as an alternative to suspension Alcohol interlock combined with medical certificates
Relevant administration Driving licence administration authorities (an operative coordinating institution (“ABS Institution”) has been created for the purpose of the trial) Federal Public Service – Mobility & Transport Danish Road Safety Traffic Authority Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom French Prefecture Swedish Transport Agency
Trial Pilot project 2012-2013 2005 2018: in seven french departments 1999
Entry into force 2017 – 2022 (5 year trial) Legislation came into force on 1 October 2010, but only operational since 2013 2015 – New programme in 2017 2008 Extended to the entire country in 2019 2015 2012
Position in the legal system Administrative Criminal Administrative Administrative until a judgement from the court Criminal
How many ai installed today? 150 - 200 installations per year 757 (as of 20 October 2020) 450 Approximately 1,000 participants Since 1 January 2020, and for the first 9 months, 8,104 prefectoral decrees restricting driving with an alcohol interlock have been proposed to offenders fined at the roadside by the police, leading to the effective installation of around 1500 devices. While there is no data available of actual installed alcohol interlocks the number of court orders is available. However, this decision is not binding and the driver can still choose the licence suspension afterwards.
• Offence – 94 in 2017, 303 in 2018, 21 in the 1st
WHO? Offenders that volunteer based on the following criteria :
• Only category B and BE
• A suspension of the driving licence for at least four months
• The expiration of at least half of the suspension period
• No alcohol addiction
• Repeat offenders with a BAC equal or above 1.2 g/l: judges must impose an alcohol interlock (1-3 years ), a driving ban (at least 3 months) and rehabilitation tests
• First offenders with a BAC equal or above 1.8 g/l: judges must impose an alcohol interlock (1-3 years), unless clear justification
• First offenders with a BAC equal or above 0.8 g/l or repeat offenders with a BAC above 1.2 g/l: judges may apply an alcohol interlock
Possible exceptions:
• Judge may exempt one or more vehicle categories
• This has to be justified
• Not possible to exclude vehicle category with which the traffic offence has been committed
• No alcohol interlock for alcohol-dependent people (driving ban for medical or psychological reasons, art.42)
• After the new law of 6 March 2018: judges use this art.42 more frequently
• Voluntary programme: first time offenders with a BAC above 2 g/l, or second time offender with a BAC above 1.2 g/l In the voluntary programme the offender can participate from day one of the suspension of his driving licence. However, if the driver has caused personal injury or caused serious danger while driving, the driver can not participate in the programme.
• Mandatory programme: second time offenders with a BAC level higher than 1.2 or first time offenders with a BAC level higher than 2.0. If it is the third offence or more, then the BAC level does not matter. In the mandatory programme the offender can participate when the suspension period is over, which is a minimum of three years
• BAC 0.5 - 1.2 g/l : 12-36 months, median 16 months
• BAC 1.2 g/l and above: 12-26 months, median 18 months
To enter the programme the offenders have to send their application to the police.
Offenders driving with a BAC above 0.8 g/l
The alcohol interlock can be installed for a maximum duration of one year since May 2020 - it was previously six months (can be extended to five years by the judge at a later point)
Offenders driving with a BAC above 0.5 g/l
• 0.2-0.5 g/l (offence)
• above 0.5 g/l (crime)
Offenders may ask the court for their driving ban to be replaced with an alcohol interlock after at least half of the driving ban period has passed. If they had a lifetime driving ban they can apply for an alcohol interlock after at least 10 years.
Possibility for drink drivers but not compulsory
• 1 year programme for drivers convicted with a BAC level between 0.2 and 0.9 g/l;
• 2 year programme for convicted repeat offenders (within a five- year period), and offenders with a BAC level of at least 1.0 g/l
Rehabilitation / Medical Aspects The driver has to meet a mentor every two months
• Examination of data readout for violations
• Discussion of the participant‘s experience with the device Discussion of the driving behaviour in reference to the data readout and driver‘s logbook and development of strategies for a successful continuation of the programme
• Support with administrative procedures in relation to the DUI offence
• No mandatory medical or psychological examination (medical or psychological measures can be required in the revocation proceedings, in this case they have to be fulfilled before entering the alcohol interlock programme)
Monitoring programme with awareness raising about the risks of alcohol, drink driving, recidivism and technical aspects of the device. Through data downloads the driver can learn more about their own behaviour (they won’t see the data by themselves but the monitoring entity will discuss the results regularly with them).
Three recognised monitoring entities: VIAS Institute, Psycho Medisch Advies (since September 2018) and Noviter (since July 2019).
Consultation compulsory in the voluntary programme Requirement to meet a health care professional and get a certificate to be provided to the police Following an alcohol interlock measure as an alternative to licence suspension, the prefecture's medical commission may issue an opinion to the prefect on the return of the driving licence, subject to certain conditions being met by the driver:
• To install at their own expense an approved alcohol interlock in the vehicle they drive;
• To carry out a medical-psychological follow-up i.e. an addiction consultation (follow-up is limited to this mandatory consultation, without any ongoing monitoring during the program and no data analysis)
Under the Polish regulation, alcohol interlocks are not part of a rehabilitation programme. The programme is not designed to include a rehabilitation aspect but, in many cases, it has shown these kinds of effects for the participants anyway. Especially since there is a demand to undergo medical exams, including leaving blood samples before, during and sometimes after participation in the programme.
Costs Costs (approximate values)
• 2,500 euros/year for the device
• 600 euros minimum for the mentoring programme
• 300 euros to install and remove the device
• 1 year : 3 800 euros + Fine : 1,600-16,000 euros
• Repeat offender: 3,200 - 40,000 euros - The judge can subtract the costs of the alcohol interlock from the fine
Year 1: 2,400 euros
Year 2: 1,920 euros
Year 3: 1,440 euros
• Purchase : 1,300 euros
• Rent : 100 euros/month
The installation and operating costs of the device are the responsibility of the driver. The price of installation and dismantling in the vehicle must be added.
To facilitate the installation of the devices the french road safety website provides users with a national map of approved installers by department and region.9
• 1 year : 2,000 – 2,700 euros
• 2 years : 2,800 – 4,000 euros
Gender/Age • 87% male
• Average age: 45-54 years old
• Average age: 51 years old
• 84% male
• 87% male
• Average age: 45-54 years old
Participation rate • No general participation rate can be identified because there are no figures available of how many are eligible.
• It can be said that once a candidate is in contact with the ABS institution there is a participation rate of nearly 99%
85% of participants completed the programme • 30% of offenders entered the programme
• 83% of participants completed the programme
• 31 % of participants had an alcohol-related diagnosis
Due to an infringement procedure from the EU the new legislation in force as of March 2018 does not allow offenders with a dependency or an addiction to enter the alcohol interlock program in Sweden, unless they can prove that they fulfil all the medical demands beforehand, e.g. prove sobriety six months prior to entering the programme.
Evaluation No official evaluation yet (Evaluation planned after the trial period ends in 2022) The evaluation led to a change in the legislation adopted on the 6th of March 2018: judges are no longer free to decide
• In case of a BAC above 1.8 (they have to give a reason as to why they don’t impose an alcohol interlock), and
• In case of severe recidivism (≥1.2BAC) (no exception with a reason is possible), but in every case judges have the possibility to limit to certain vehicle categories (except the vehicle category with which the offence was committed).
• Exception: no alcohol interlock if the offender is alcohol dependent (in this case there is a license withdrawal for physical or psychological reasons).
When implementing the programmes the Danish National Police had expected an annual number of participants of between 500 and 1,000. However, an evaluation showed that there were only 24 participants in the alcohol interlock program. This led to a change of the voluntary programme in 2017: before 2017 an alcohol interlock could replace a licence suspension of maximum two years, now three years of suspension can be replaced with three years with an alcohol interlock. Today approximately 450 drivers are participating in an alcohol interlock programme. Completed in 2013
• 1,687 drivers
• Average duration: 17 months
• 5.7% of the drivers reoffended during or after the probation period whereas the usual recidivism rate for drink-driving offenders is 30%
• The alcohol interlocks have prevented 12,000 participants from driving under the influence of alcohol
No evaluation planned yet but several improvements have been made:
• This alcohol interlock programme was decided as an alternative to a driving licence suspension in order to improve the existing judicial system as it was felt that the obligation to drive with an alcohol interlock was coming too late in the process.
• In order to combat recidivism, a measure from 9 January 2018, makes it compulsory to install an alcohol interlock in the event of a repeat offence of driving under the influence of alcohol.
There are no studies monitoring the effects of implementing this solution. Completed in 201811
About 3,000 people are currently driving with an alcohol interlock







台湾のアルコール・インターロック 法制化文書

  • 車輛點火自動鎖定裝置

  • 附件一

  • 附件二 車輛點火自動鎖定裝置

  • 附件三 車輛點火自動鎖定

  • 附件四 車輛點火自動鎖定




2017年2月28日 国会提出 議案番号:2005842

議案番号(2005842) 代表発議者 宋喜卿
■ 提案理由及び主要内容
近年新技術の発展により飲酒運転防止装置(運転者が酒酔い状態で運転をしようとする場合、酔いが検知され始動できないようにする装置)が開発され注目を集めていることから、 効果的な飲酒運転予防装置の導入を考慮する必要がある。
2020年5月29日 本会議結果:任期満了廃案

2017年7月17日 国会提出議案番号:2005842 
自動車管理法の一部改定法律案  代表発議者 閔丙梪

■ 提案理由及び主要内容
2020年5月29日 本会議結果:任期満了廃案

2018年11月8日 国会提出議案番号:2016452
租税特例制限法の一部改定法律案  代表発議者 金寬永

■ 提案理由及び主要内容
最近5年間の飲酒運転取締の件数は毎年平均26万件で、中小都市の全人口に当たるほどの大きな規模であり、それによる人命被害と経済的損失が莫大なものである。また5年の間 3,750名が死亡、飲酒運転による年間被害額は 8,100億ウォン以上で推定されている。
故に憲法第34条の国民が保護を受ける権利を保障し、財産及び人命被害を減らすために飲酒運転の前科のない、一般運転者にも飲酒始動ロック装置(運転者が酒に酔った状態で自動車等を運転しようとした場合、酔いを検知して始動ができないようにする装置をいう)の装着を勧奨しようとする。 故に「道路交通法」第93条の第1号から第3号までのいずれに該当して運転免許の取り消し処分を受けていない運転者の自発的に飲酒始動ロック装置の設置の場合は、飲酒始動ロック装置の購入時に付加価値税の免除範囲に含め、道路交通安全を拡散しようとする。(第106条の第1項の13号新設)
2020年5月29日 本会議結果:任期満了廃案

2019年2月15日 国会提出議案番号2018657 
交通安全法の一部改定法律案 代表発議者 金寬永

○交通交通法の一部改正法律案 2018657号(日本語訳)
○交通交通法の一部改正法律案 2018657号(韓国語原文)

2019年6月7日 国会提出議案番号:2020877 
自動車管理法の一部改定法律案 代表発議者 金映豪

■ 提案理由及び主要内容
子どもの通学バス等の旅客用の自動車を運転する場合、飲酒運転を根本的に防ぐ必要がある。故に「旅客自動車の運輸事業法」により旅客の運輸に用いられる自動車の中から大統領令にて定める自動車の運転者は飲酒運転防止装置を設置して自動車を運行するようにする。(案第29条の4、第84条の第1項の第2号及び第84条の第3項の第13号の2新設) 2020年5月29日 本会議結果:任期満了廃案

